Formalist film theory is a theory of film study that is focused on the formal, or technical, elements of a film: i.e., the lighting, scoring, sound and set design, use of colour, shot composition, and editing. It is a major theory of film study today.
*Formalist film makers shape and mold the images we see on the screen the way a sculptor shapes and molds clay. Their approach to film emphasizes their ability to create story and emotion through manipulation.
* Or one might consider the synthesis of several elements, such as editing, shot composition, and music. Formalism is unique in that it embraces both ideological and auteurist branches of criticism. In both these cases, the common denominator for Formalist criticism is style.
I think that formalist is important in film, because with this theory we can make a good film using the correct sound, designs, pictures, scenes, colors etc. That makes the movie more realistic or more manipulated, in that time they had to know how to use it well so people can appreciate the film.