CRANE SHOT:A camera positioned on a crane can swoop down or up covering great distances and producing unusual camera angles.They are usually, but not always, found in what are supposed to be emotional or suspensful scenes.
DOLLY SHOT: The camera moves toward a subject (dolly-in) or away from a subject (dolly-out) The camera is mounted on the dolly and records the shot as it moves. Dolly shots have a number of applications and can provide very dramatic footage.
TRACKING SHOT: The camera tracks alonside of the object or person.
ZOOM: Camera stays stationary as the focal length of a lens zooms in or out. Framing gets tighter id the camera zooms in. Framing gets looser of the camera zooms out.Zooming means altering the focal length of the lens to give the illusion of moving closer to or further away from the action.
ZOLLY SHOT: A dolly shot in combination with a zoom.
Is amazing how cameras are been use nowadays. We can see how technology has become better towards filming, and how they had made change the films making them more real and more interesting.