jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

The light in the movies

Ligth is one of the most important things in the movies. Without light there is no cinema. The lights creates shadows, wrinkles, rejuvenate the character or make him/her older, it created psychological effects on the character and depending on where you pput the light it changes the atmosphere of the movie. If you don´t use the light for any documental or films, the film will be incomplete, it will be difficult to see what is actually happening during cameras and will not complete the director's truly idea.

2 comentarios:

  1. Lights in film are very important, because of it how the viewers get interested in the movie. If they see a movie with dark parts they will not putting their 100% attention in the movie and will get distracted by this inconvenience. So, lights are very important in films.

  2. I agree with you, lights are really important but we dont focus very much on them.
